Using this tool does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and The Veterans Consortium, Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc., or any of the organizations' employees.
This tool provides general answers to your questions (see previous questions and answers for examples). The people answering questions will only answer the relevant question you submit and cannot do anything for you beyond that. No one from this site will:
- Call you;
- Make calls or file papers for you;
- Go to meetings for you; or
- Go to court for you.
Using this tool means you understand this.
Your question (and our answer) may be
published as part of the TVC Mail Call column. Any private or identifying information (people's names, addresses, birthdates, phone numbers, etc.) will be deleted before publication. Questions may be edited for clarity and length.
Please know that we try to answer every question we receive. Answers are not immediate. You can expect a reply within one publication cycle, which is approximately one month.
Again, we are not creating an attorney-client relationship. If you need an attorney, you can go to TVC's website to
apply for free legal help. If you don't qualify for TVC's assistance, you can go to our
Find Legal Help page for an attorney near you.