I have PTSD and need help with a discharge upgrade
I have PTSD and need help with a discharge upgrade
I am a 72-year-old Vietnam Veteran with a congenital cyst on the nerve of spinal cord. I am also a victim of Project 100,000. I had numerous medical profiles, became addicted to valium, and numerous Article 15's due to Unlawful Command Influence. I had a pending medical discharge then was given a Summary Court Martial and served 30 days Hard Labor. Discharged with an Undesirable Discharge (other than). I have been in treatments for PTSD, am totally disabled, and working with a VSO for an upgrade. I need an attorney to represent my case Pro-Bono.
You should file a DD 149 form and submit evidence to the Board for Correction of Military Records (BCMR) proving that you were treated unfairly during your discharge process. Please be aware that it is very difficult to get an upgrade, but your treatment for PTSD should be strong evidence that the Board should consider that as a mitigating factor in your misconduct. You can apply to see if The Veterans Consortium can help you pro bono on our website: https://www.vetsprobono.org/legal-help/discharge-upgrade/
The Stateside Legal website can also help you search for pro bono attorneys near where you live. Best of luck to you!