Sample - Living Will

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Sample - Living Will

Learn about a Living Will and download a basic sample to customize

Living Will


A living will is a legal document that outlines the medical care you want to receive if you are unable to make medical decisions for yourself. In some states, a living will may also be called a health care declaration or health care directive. It is considered an "advance" document because you state your wishes concerning medical treatment ahead of time. It is a "directive" because it allows you to choose medical treatments instead of family members or the hospital.

A living will can provide critical information to your treating physician at a time when you may be unable to communicate your wishes.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who can make a Living Will?

Adult patients of sound mind have the right to accept or refuse any medical or surgical treatment. This includes the right to accept or refuse treatment through a living will.

What do I have to do after I make a Living Will?

After you have completed a Living Will, you should give copies to suitable family members, your health care providers, the person you chose as your health care proxy (agent) and anyone designated to retain such records on your military installation. Remember to review your Living Will as you age or if you have health changes.


How can I cancel my Living Will?

You can cancel or revise your Living Will at any time. This can be done verbally (such as to your doctor) if there is not enough time to revise it in writing. Keep in mind that your wishes (if they can be communicated to the doctor) will override the Living Will.

If you change your mind, all you have to do is say so. 


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Each state will have its own laws about living wills and other advance directives. This sample living will may need to be modified or there may be a more suitable form provided to you through your state or your military installation.

  • Sample Form is attached.



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