Calculating Military Retirement Pay


Calculating Military Retirement Pay

The Department of Defense has created a special website page to help individuals calculate how much military retirement pay will be available to them. Click here for more information on military retirement pay.   The website page includes the following calculators:
Photo of a calculator, papers and pens on a table

The Department of Defense has created a special website page to help individuals calculate how much military retirement pay will be available to them. Click here for more information on military retirement pay.

The website page includes the following calculators:

  • Final Pay Retirement System for members who first entered service before September 8, 1980;
  • High-36 Retirement System for members who first entered Service on or after September 8, 1980, and before August 1, 1986; High-3 also applies to members who first entered the Service on or after August 1, 1986, and chose to revert to the High-3 retirement plan by not accepting the Career Status Bonus;

  • CSB/REDUX for members who first entered Service after July 31, 1986, and chose to receive the Career Status Bonus and the REDUX retirement plan; and

  • Retirement Choice for members who are trying to decide which retirement plan is best for their needs;

No identifying data is requested nor retained by this web site.


Updated January 2018, August 2020

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