VA Disability Compensation: Screening Tool

To receive VA Disability Compensation, a veteran must meet three basic requirements:

  1. Eligible Active Duty Service with a discharge that is other than dishonorable
  2. Current diagnosis of a mental or physical injury or impairment
  3. Evidence of a connection between the current injury or impairment and military service (often referred to as the “nexis”).

This interview (interactive .pdf file) will help you determine whether a veteran passes these tests.

Service-connected disability compensation is the primary monetary benefit provided by the Veterans Benefits Administration. This benefit provides monetary compensation for injuries or disabilities related to military service. The VA rates the severity of disability from 0% to 100%.

The monthly monetary compensation is based on the disability rating (the higher the rating, the higher the award). In addition to the monetary compensation, any veteran who is found to have a service-connected disability automatically becomes eligible for VA Medical Care for that injury or disability.

June 2013

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