Sample - Power of Attorney for a Minor

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Sample - Power of Attorney for a Minor

Learn about a Power of Attorney for a Minor and download a basic sample
A computer generated image of a series of papers layered on top of each other. The top paper is a check list with red check-marks on it.

Power of Attorney for a Minor

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal way to have one person act on behalf of another. A Power of Attorney for a Minor document can be used by a caregiver of a minor child that is not the custodial parent or legal guardian.

This document may be particularly helpful when establishing residency for the child's school enrollment or to provide medical consent. This document does not take custody away from the parent and can be revoked at any time.
A Power of Attorney for a Minor gives someone authority to act on the legal guardian's behalf on matters that are listed in the document. The power can be specific to a certain task or can cover many duties, including financial and medical. The power can start immediately or only after some event occurs. A power of attorney does not take away a legal guardian's right to act on the minor's behalf.

All States are Required to Recognize Military Powers of Attorney

Federal law demands that a Military Power of Attorney instrument be given legal effect without regard to specific state law “from any requirement of form, substance, formality, or recording” that may be normally required by different states. See (10 U.S.C. §1044(b)).

The Power of Attorney for a Minor is a very powerful document. The attached form and instructions are provided only as very basic samples. Speak to your local attorney or Judge Advocate General's Corps office for more specific information.

  • Sample Form Packet is attached.


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STATIC FORM - Power of Attorney - Minor_0.pdf280.79 KB 280.79 KB