StatesideLegal Forms

Forms Offered

This is a listing of some of the most used forms, letters, and tools on Some forms and letters have 'EasyForm' versions. These 'EasyForms' will guide you through the form by asking a series of questions and then appropriately fill out the form for you. Once the form is completed you can review, sign, download, print, and even email your completed form!

Please know that we do our best to make sure each form is the most up-to-date version, but if you find that a link to a form is broken, it is best to check with the VA, a Judge Advocate General, or local attorney to make sure you are getting the most up-to-date version. If you find that one of our forms is out of date or the link is broken, please let us know through our feedback form.


Newest Forms, Letters, and Tools


NEW!  EasyForm: Letter to End Your Auto Lease Early under the SCRA   
This tool will help you write a complete letter package to end your motor vehicle lease early under the SCRA. Read more about ending your auto lease under the SCRA

NEW!  EasyForm: Letter to End Your Home Lease Early under the SCRA 
This tool will help you write a letter to end your home lease early under the SCRA. Read more about ending your home lease under the SCRA 

NEW!  EasyForm: Letter to Return Your Security Deposit under the SCRA
This tool will help you write a letter to your former landlord asking for your security deposit back under the SCRA. Read more about getting your home security deposit back under the SCRA

NEW!  EasyFom VA Form 5655 - Financial Status Report
This tool will help you fill out a VA Financial Status Report. The report is required when you are requesting a waiver or repayment plan on a VA debt or overpayment. Read more about disputing VA debts or requesting repayment plans using this form



Legal Needs Assessment Tools


Legal Needs Check-up Tool



VA Forms, SCRA Letters and Sample Motions, and USERRA Notifications


NEW!  EasyForm: Letter to End Your Auto Lease Early under the SCRA  

NEW!  EasyForm: Letter to End Your Home Lease Early under the SCRA

NEW!  EasyForm: Letter to Your Former Landlord to Return Your Security Deposit under the SCRA

NEW!  EasyForm: VA 5655 - Financial Status Report for VA Debt Disputes and Repayment Plan Requests

Sample Letter for Cell Phone Service Contract Termination under SCRA
Sample Letter from Commanding Officer for SCRA Letters 
Sample Letter to Collection Agency Stop Contact under SCRA
Sample Letter to Landlord (Eviction)
Sample Letter to Request 6% Loan Interest Rate under SCRA
Sample Letter to Request Lower Credit Card Interest Rate under SCRA
Sample Motion to Stay Proceedings
Sample Motion to Void Default Judgment
Sample Letter of USERRA Notification to Employer
Sample Letter of USERRA Return Notification to Employer



Estate Planning Forms


Sample Living Will
Sample Power of Attorney (Durable)
Sample Power of Attorney (General)
Sample Power of Attorney (for Minor)


StatesideLegal's Forms Project

To learn more about the StatesideLegal Forms Project and what to expect when you use our forms and letters, check out our Forms Help page.


NOTE: It is always advisable to talk to a lawyer before proceeding in a court case on your own.